St. Paul Lutheran Church
617 St. Lawrence Ave. Beloit WI 53511 608-365-7064
"St. Paul Lutheran Church is called to be an Inviting, Christ-Centered, Spiritually-Growing
and Community-Serving church where we are led by love to implement Jesus' teachings."
Worship at St. Paul Lutheran is centered on the Word of God and the
celebration of Holy Communion. Our community of faith is equipped
to serve God and lead in our worship from the gathering at St. Paul
until we are sent into the world to love and serve the Lord as his hands
and feet in the world.
Worship is led by many leaders, in addition to the pastor, including:
assisting ministers, readers, communion assistants, acolytes, ushers,
and greeters. If you feel so called to serve in such a leadership capacity
in worship, you may sign up on Sundays or call the church office during
the week to speak with our pastor.